MARK 16:1-8
MARK 1:1-11
MONDAY - The Way Up is the Way Down
Read: Philippians 2:1-11
Prayer Focus:
- What difference does it make for you to believe that the One who was equal with God emptied himself of all but love?
- How have you seen or experienced the self-emptying love of God revealed in Jesus?
TUESDAY - Why This Waste?
Read: John 12:1-11
Prayer Focus:
How have you experienced the extravagant love of God?
How could you respond in gratitude like Mary?
WEDNESDAY - Servant in the House
Read: John 13:1-120
Prayer Focus:
- Where have you seen the kind of servant life to which Jesus calls us?
- How are you following Jesus in the way of servanthood?
MAUNDY THURSDAY - A Last Supper That Still Lives
Read: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Prayer Focus:
- When have you experienced Christ's presence in Communion?
- How will you remember Christ today?
FRIDAY - Earthquake at Noah
Read: Matthew 27:45-54
Prayer Focus:
Behold the Savior of us all
nailed to the shameful tree;
how vast the love that him inclined,
to bleed and die for thee!
Hark how he groans! while nature shakes,
and earth's strong pillars bend!
The temple's veil in sunder breaks,
the solid marbles rend.
But soon he'll break death's envious chain
and in fully glory shine.
O lamb of God, was ever pain,
was ever love like think?
There was no message for March 18 as we had a guest speaker ... but here is the devotional.
Monday - Now & Then
Read: 1 Corinthians 13:8-13; Jeremiah 31:31-34
Prayer Focus:
- What steps do you need to take to live more deeply in God's word
Tuesday - Living in the Word
Read: Psalm 119: 9-16
Prayer Focus:
- In what ways do you treasure God's woprd in your heart?
- What steps do you need to take to live more deeply into God's word?
Wednesday - In the Garden With Jesus
- When have you prayed the way Jesus prayed in the garden?
- How have you experienced self-giving love?
Thursday - His Time Had to Come
Read: John 12:20-23
Prayer Focus:
- What does it mean for you to lose your life to find it?
- How would you like to face death when your time comes?
Friday - The Laughter of the Universe
Read: Psalm 2
Prayer Focus:
- How do you make room for laughter in your faith?
- How can you share that joy with others?How can you share that joy with others?
Read: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16
Prayer Focus:
- When have you shared with others the laughter of disbelief?
- What doubts do you bring to your reading of the Gospels?
Read: Romans 4:13-25
Prayer Focus:
- When have you doubted God's promise in your life or for the world?
- Where have you seen evidence that God can do what God has promised?
Read: Mark 8:31-38
Prayer Focus:
- How have "the tentacles of narcissim" penetrated your life?
- What will it mean for you to surrender your self-centeredness to the infinite love of God?
Read: Mark 9:2-9; 2 Peter 1:16-19
Prayer Focus:
- When have you glimpsed God's glory?
- How have transfiguring experiences sustained you as you live out ordinary days?
Read: Psalm 22
Prayer Focus:
- When have you felt forsaken by God?
- What difference will it make for you to believe that God was present with us at the cross?
Read: Psalm 29, Mark 1:9-11
Prayer Focus:
- When have you experienced God's Spirit shaking the wilderness?
- What constitutes the wilderness in your life?
Read: Mark 1:12-13; Hebrews 4:14-16
- What "wild beasts" do you face in your life?
- Will you claim the promise that Jesus faces them with you?
Read: 1 Peter 3:18-22
Prayer Focus:
- What difference does it make for you to know that the risen Christ "descended into hell"?
- When have you known the presence of the One who left His Father's throne, emptied himself
of all but love, and entered into your life?
Read: Genesis 9:8-17; Romans 8:18-25
Prayer Focus:
- How does God's covenant with Noah speak to you?
- How will you become one for whom creation waits?
Read: Psalm 118
Prayer Focus:
- Where are the "tight" places in your life?
- How is God's grace opening you to the "spacious skies" of God's infinite love?