Who We Are
We are
family, united in love, built on the strong foundation of Jesus Christ
and growing in grace - with heavy emphasis on the word growing - we are
far from perfect but consistently striving to be like Jesus. We worship
together, learn together, and find time to play together. We believe
in family celebrations and growing through discipleship. Kids have more
family than they know what to do with, but they know they are loved and
that someone is always looking out for them. Our elderly enjoy the
benefit of neverending hugs and there is always someone available to
help with the yard work or simply pass the time of day. Lakeview
Chapel offers a healthy dose of that “old time religion” with teaching
straight from God‘s word, Bible studies for all ages, old-fashioned
Sunday School picnics, a musical mixture of timeless hymns and upbeat
praise. We love babies and
teenagers, growing families and empty-nesters. We are the family of
God, rejoicing in the Truth; the body of Christ in action. We believe in
prayer warriors, the great commission and John 3:16. No burden is ever
born alone and sorrow as well as rejoicing is a family affair. If you
are looking for a place to belong, a place where your service will make a
difference, men and women who love God’s word and can’t wait to
discover the mysteries that lie within, welcome home!
What We Believe
- We
believe in the Holy and powerful creator God that spoke the stars into
being, breathed life into the nostrils of man and continues to guide and
direct His creation today.
- We believe that He is unchanging - the same yesterday, today and tomorrow - and that He’s passionately in love with us
- We
believe in the Holy Trinity - God the Father, the Son - who was and is
and is to come - and the Holy Spirit that dwells in the heart of every
true believer today - and that They are One.
- We believe that salvation and eternal life comes through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and Him alone. (Acts 4:12)
- We
believe that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God and that
it is as relevant today as it was when it was written ... that it is
God-breathed ... useful for teaching,rebuking, correcting and training
in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16)
- We believe that our life goal should be to live lives worthy of His sacrifice, lives that reflect His character ... captivating and inspiring others to the point that they are drawn to Christ.
- We believe in the power of prayer and that therein lies our ability to access the ear of God.
Why We’re Here
here to tell others about Jesus (Acts 5:42), reach out to the lost and
come together as a body of believers dedicated to nurturing, protecting,
equipping and maturing one another in Christ ... serving one another in
love and sacrificially giving of our time, talents and treasures that
we may be used in His service, magnifying His Name and endeavoring to
set Him as our highest priority. (Romans 12:5)