Lakeview Chapel


Evangelical Methodist Women

Meets 2nd Tuesday each month, September through May.

Dedicated to blooming where they are planted through the service and support of the local church, the EMW provides everything from paper goods to camp scholarships, visiting shut-ins and delivering meals when needed AND they are just as vigilant in sowing seeds of the gospel worldwide through their generous support of missionaries in Bolivia, Spain, Stockton, California and the SW Indian Territory.  Many of our members participate in our HOPE Food Distribution and serve in our Clothes Closet.  The EMW gets together the second Tuesday of every month at 10 am at The Chapel where they mix a little business with a healthy helping of warm fellowship.  For more information about the missionaries they support, please click on their links below.

Nina Kunkle, World Gospel Missionary, serving in church ministries in Bolivia

Lupita Rocha, Evangelical Methodist Church/One Mission Society, missionary to Mexico (no link available)

Bob & Lisa Margaron, World Gospel Missionary serving at Stockton Peniel Mission, Stockton, California

Joe & Ellen Kunkle, retired World Gospel Missionaries presently serving at the WGM Southwest Indian School, Arizona